Following the launch of this year’s new series of Strictly Come Dancing, Whitegate Primary School welcomed ex Strictly star Robin Windsor to host a day of dancing across all year groups. Pupils and staff transformed the school hall into a Strictly ballroom, complete with glitter balls and sequins.

During Robin Windsor’s visit, children in every year group across the school, along with their teachers, took part in a variety of dance workshops. The day culminated in a dance competition where all competitors were encouraged to show off their new steps and moves. Due to the collaborative nature of the school and its community, their relationship with a local dance school was instrumental in arranging this incredible guest appearance from Robin.
As well as spending quality time teaching the children and teachers, Robin was keen to talk about his Strictly Come Dancing career and experiences, from costumes to make-up and how he literally waltzed his way onto television.
Robin Windsor, ex Strictly star and professional dancer in Burn the Floor (Broadway and West End) said:
“For me, seeing the children’s confidence grow while learning to dance, even in such a short space of time, proves how important it is to allow children the opportunity to explore their creative side. Dance provides everybody with the tools to blossom and shine resulting in a real boost in self-esteem and self-belief. It’s also a fantastic way of keeping both physically fit and helps to maintain your mental health whilst having endless hours of fun.”

Miss Noel, Year 3 teacher at Whitegate Primary School said:
“The children absolutely loved this experience, and we watched the videos in the morning of Robin on Strictly Come Dancing to get them ready for his arrival. Robin was so friendly and was happy to answer all our questions as well as letting staff take photos with him. It was an incredible workshop for us to hold and we’re very lucky Robin chose to spend his day with Whitegate Primary. It’s definitely a day that none of us will forget.”

Further to this excitement, on hearing about this Strictly experience so close to home, Rob Rose from BBC Radio Nottingham, came to visit Whitegate to interview four of its young dancers and their teacher Miss Noel and find out more about their experiences.
Whitegate Primary continues to find ways to be creative with its curriculum and sources unique ways for children to learn. As a Trust we celebrate when schools create these memorable learning opportunities. We are always excited to hear what our schools are doing to enrich the lives of their pupils and wider communities.
To find out more about Whitegate Primary and Nursery School please visit their website and to share your school’s stories tweet @TransformTrust and tag in @PapillonComms.